Fresh Start Seeks Recurring Gifts Through Renamed Seeds for Change Giving Program

Formerly known as the $10 for 12, Fresh Start’s ( renamed Seeds for Change giving program has been launched to seek recurring donations to help them empower Lincoln women who are experiencing homelessness. You can make a difference by favoring Fresh Start with a monthly gift of at least $10, automatically charged to your credit-card or bank account. All you have to do is set it up one time, and you’ll keep helping every month without any effort until you want to stop—and they hope you’ll never want to stop!

Seeds for Change is an important donation source, as it is something that Fresh Start can count on every month, pandemic or not. For example, a $15-per-month donation provides daily meals for one person for the month, and when your gift is combined with other recurring gifts, the impact increases exponentially. It’s simple to set up and can be done from the Fresh Start website at Just click on the donation button, provide information including your email address and credit-card information, and you’re immediately helping a crucial cause. That brings the program motto to life: “Seeds for Change: From little seeds grow lovely flowers.”

Fresh Start is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower women experiencing homelessness by providing 24/7 support to help them change their lives. Learn more at If you have questions about Seeds of Change, contact Audrey at (402) 475-7777 / She can also help you make arrangements to accommodate recurring withdrawals from your checking or savings account, if you prefer.