October is domestic violence awareness month, and Friendship Home (friendshiphome.org) requests your help taking a stand against domestic violence. This October, Friendship Home volunteers will collect funds for Friendship Home and spread awareness about domestic violence. Funds collected during Safe Quarters go towards Friendship Home’s mission to provide safe, confidential shelter, crisis services and ongoing support for families who have experienced domestic violence and are rebuilding their lives.

Please open your doors to our Safe Quarter’s volunteers on Sunday, October 8. During Safe Quarters, hundreds of dedicated volunteers go door-to-door collecting financial contributions for Friendship Home and spreading awareness to households in the Lincoln community. Taking a stand can start anywhere – listening, donating, volunteering or joining their monthly giving program. They hope you will join them in their mission to end domestic violence and empower freedom for survivors and their families.

Friendship Home continues to provide crisis services, emergency shelter and transitional housing to survivors of domestic violence and their children. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the Friendship Home crisis line at (402) 437-9302. Learn more about services and how to get involved by going to friendshiphome.org.