HopeSpoke to Help Even More People with DHHS CARES Response and Recovery Grant

During the last fiscal year, HopeSpoke (hopespoke.org) was able to provide nearly 1,800 individuals with crucial behavioral and mental health services. In addition, during 2020, thanks to the DHHS CARES Response and Recovery Grant, HopeSpoke was able to provide additional help to hundreds of struggling families. The grant helped the Lincoln nonprofit deliver much-needed emergency responses to their clients and other community members, in addition to making life easier for their agency and staff. The grant allowed the HopeSpoke staff, board, and volunteers to create and distribute COVID-19 Prevention Kits, which included hand sanitizers, wipes, soap, a thermometer, and other items necessary to help families stay safe during the pandemic; Safe at Home Kits, which included games and cards for families to spend quality time together while staying at home; and Hygiene Kits for individuals and families to take care of themselves.

The CARES funding also helped HopeSpoke create individual craft/therapy bags for children and youth to use when they participate in therapy through their school program. This year, HopeSpoke also developed a psycho-educational video series through Outpatient Services and shared short videos that delivered information about anxiety in children, how to cope with the pandemic, and so much more.

HopeSpoke has been inspiring healthy futures for children and their families through comprehensive behavioral and mental health services for more than 70 years. For more information about HopeSpoke services or to make a donation, call (402) 475-7666 or visit hopespoke.org.