Warm weather and abounding travel cause a rise in demand, subjecting even more women and girls to this injustice. I’ve Got A Name (ivegotaname.org) is leading the fight against sex trafficking through its Street Outreach, where they personally connect with women and girls who are entangled in this injustice… some as young as ten years old.

Through unconditional love and open-mindedness, their Street Outreach Team helps girls recognize their unique inner beauty and empowers them to rebuild their lives.

Each year, Give to Lincoln strengthens the organization’s efforts to protect and rescue those who are most vulnerable in our city. I’ve Got A Name is calling on the community to support their Street Outreach so they may continue their critical work providing unconditional love, guidance and resources for a chance at freedom.

All support through Give to Lincoln directly impacts the lives of women and girls they encounter every day. All donations through Give to Lincoln will be matched for double the life-changing impact! You can give online now through May 24 by searching “I’ve Got A Name” at givetolincoln.com.

I’ve Got A Name has a mission to protect and restore the lives of those who are vulnerable or victims of sex trafficking. To get behind their mission and raise local awareness, visit ivegotaname.org or email Paul Yates at paul@ivegotaname.org.