I’ve Got A Name Requests Donations From Community to Help Sex-Trafficking Victims

I’ve Got a Name (www.ivegotaname.org) is requesting donations to help their Street Outreach program continue to find and help victims of sex-trafficking. Sex traffickers thrive in times of chaos and desperation, and I’ve Got a Name needs more help than ever before to prevent the sale of young women and protect the victims. Join supporters of the program by offering a monthly gift; donations start at $6 and can help save a young woman’s future.

The nonprofit’s Street Outreach program would not be possible without the support of those in the community who continue to fight with I’ve Got A Name for these women and girls. It connects with victims of sex-trafficking—and those who are vulnerable to being trafficked—and helps lead them into a purpose-driven life. The increase in isolation and financial insecurity this year has worsened sex-trafficking in Nebraska, and the Street Outreach team needs the community’s help to rescue the many young women and girls who have fallen into its clutches.

I’ve Got a Name aims to put an end to sex trafficking in Nebraska by generating awareness, providing street outreach, and inspiring others to take action. They won’t stop their mission until no person is subjected to sex trafficking in our community. To learn more or to donate to their Street Outreach program, visit www.ivegotaname.org or reach out to Executive Director Paul Yates at info@ivegotaname.org.