Lancaster County Super Fair Drew More than 2.7K Exhibits from 4-H and FFA Youth

Lancaster County’s 2020 Super Fair drew more than 400 4-H and FFA (Future Farmers of America) youth to showcase more than 2,700 exhibits in the fair’s first time operating as a blended in-person and remote event. Exhibits included static, Clover Kids, animal, and contest formats and found a way to provide 4-H participants the opportunity to display the projects they spent so much time and effort completing during the year.

In planning how 4-H Super Fair activities would like during a pandemic, staff asked for input from parents, members, and volunteers alike via a survey. A total of 305 people completed the survey, which found that many key 4-H volunteers and superintendents were at increased risk for COVID-19 and let the organization to change many contests from in-person to virtual formats. Still, livestock and horse shows were in-person, with modifications to accommodate health guidelines, including a show-and-go format, daily health checks, wrist-banding exhibitors, and limiting the number of wristbands per day for exhibitors’ family members.

Lancaster County 4-H is a youth-development program committed to teaching practical and life skills. For more information, visit To view archived livestreams and other slideshows, including the Fashion Cyber Runway Show video and photos, visit and