Lincoln Family Funeral Care, in partnership with Life Celebrations by Design, has announced the dates for their new community service program entitled “Passages: Creating Meaningful Communication at Life’s End.” Passages offers monthly meetings designed to provide information and resources for hospice patients, their families and caregivers.  Passages will answer many of your questions about the steps and decisions you need to make immediately following the death of a love one. There are over 120 decisions that need to be made.  Passages acts as a helping hand, offering assistance by supporting autonomy, providing useful information, encouraging discussion, supporting self-appreciation, helping participants to maintain emotional ties, and encouraging reflection on positive memories.  These programs will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Southeast Community College Business Center, located at 285 South 68th street in Lincoln.  The first Passages meeting will be held on June 11th at 7 p.m. and there is no fee.

For more information about Lincoln Family Funeral Care or to reserve your seats, please contact Vicki Newman at (402) 464-6400 or by email at or Debbie Way at (402) 770-5361 or by email at  Additionally, you can visit the Lincoln Family Funeral Care website at