Lincoln TeamMates Seeks 400 Mentors

With more than 800 students across Lincoln waiting to be paired with a mentor, TeamMates Mentoring ( of Lincoln is looking for 400 volunteer mentors to halve that list. TeamMates remain busy this school year as they arrange and facilitate both in-person and virtual meetings for their 1,100+ matches.

“TeamMates is a program we can ill-afford to do without,” said Dr. Steve Joel, superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools. “That one visit a week where an adult from the community serves as a coach, friend, guide, and a confidant makes all the difference in the world for some of our students who are lacking that adult contact in their lives.”

TeamMates mentor visits resumed following Labor Day, with new safety protocols in place for those meeting in-person. Matches physically distance, wear face coverings, and sanitize any shared materials. Lincoln Public Schools and parochial schools are welcoming TeamMates mentors into their schools due to the beneficial impact on students’ emotional and social wellbeing.

“Research shows that social isolation is a risk factor for mental health concerns, and that even connecting virtually, like with Zoom, can help mitigate these risks, as well as feelings of fear,” says Jim Bennett, coordinator for Lincoln TeamMates. “Kids need us now more than ever. Mentors are a huge asset to our youth staying hopeful.”

For more information about how to make a difference in the life of a young person in Lincoln through TeamMates Mentoring of Lincoln, please visit or call (402) 436-1990.