Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA, wants to give a huge shout- out and congratulations to Woods Park, located at 33rd and O St., for recently being named a Landscape Steward Affiliate.

The park features four pollinator habitats, prolific prairie plantings and numerous mature and newly planted deciduous and coniferous trees, which make it an ideal NSA Landscape Steward Affiliate Site.

The local Woods Park advocacy group, Woods Park: Keep It Green, initiated the Landscape Steward Affiliation Site process with NSA. Going forward, NSA and Lincoln Parks and Recreation will collaborate with Woods Park: Keep It Green on continued sustainable landscape improvements to the park. Take a look at NSA’s Facebook (@NeArb) to see some beautoful photos of the location, or better yet, take a look in person and visit Woods Park for a picnic or a walk.

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum plants Nebraska for healthy people, vibrant communities and a resilient environment. The organization offers resources to help Midwest gardeners improve their home and community landscapes, encouraging plants and landscapes that are beautiful and beneficial for individuals as well as the larger environment. To learn more, visit or contact the Arboretum staff at (402) 472-2971 /