People’s City Mission Helps 18-Year-Old Man Through Safe Place Program

Recently, an 18-year-old young man came to People’s City Mission ( because of an estrangement with his father, and he was helped through the Mission’s Safe Place program. His parents were contacted and gave the okay for him to stay at the shelter. While in Safe Place, he saved money through his job and a case worker at the Mission helped him with a housing plan. She also connected him with CenterPointe and CEDARS. These organizations work with youth ages 18-24 to help transition as successfully as possible into adulthood. The young man was able to find stable housing and has not needed to return to the Mission. When you support People’s City Mission, you are helping youth like this young man find the safe place and guidance they need!

People’s City Mission is leading a team effort to help youth in crisis in Lincoln. Have you ever noticed the yellow diamond shaped signs around town that say Safe Place? Every location that displays those signs is part of a network to help youth in crisis. They are places where any youth in the city can go if they need help, for any reason. When they do go to one of these Safe Places, the Mission is contacted. They help them with their immediate needs and reconcile them with their families when possible. The shelter has rooms set aside for them if they need to stay a while. They also connect them with other local agencies. To learn more about how to support the Mission, visit