For several years now, the People’s City Mission’s (PCM) ( shuttle has travelled daily across Lincoln between the temporary housing location on West O and the Help Center on East P. In addition to providing guests with transportation to and from the Help Center, shuttle drivers Larry Gouin and Terry, make sure they are doing their best to meet the needs of the homeless in Lincoln who are living on the streets. They will stop to talk and pray with folks, and hand out to-go meals and much needed bottles of water. In winter they also hand out cold weather gear. Occasionally volunteers will ride along to assist in this street outreach.

When temperatures are so high, as they have been throughout summer, hydration is paramount to keeping Lincoln’s homeless population safe. PCM is so thankful for these men and our volunteers who care so deeply for vulnerable folks on the streets, as well as those in our community who are passionate to help these illusive homeless through filled backpacks and other strategic in-kind donations. If you or your organization would like to donate water, assemble to-go meals, or ride on the PCM shuttle to participate in street outreach, contact Josh Burkey at

People’s City Mission is to be a witness for Christ among the poor and homeless, serve their needs and advocating their cause to the community at large. Today, they’re Lincoln’s primary homeless shelter housing 350 men, women and children on an average day. To learn more about their mission go to