Registration Begins for Bright Lights Classes
Bright Lights ( Summer 2017 class registration begins on April 1 at 8:00am. The new mobile-friendly registration system will greatly reduce the wait time people have experienced during registration in the past.
Bright Lights provides five weeks of quality learning programs. The over 100 class options are an ideal way for elementary and middle school students to maximize the fun of summer vacation while allowing parents to know their children are avoiding summer learning loss. Registration is simple: Using the class schedule available at, students choose a class for their completed grade level on a topic that interests them. Then use your desktop, tablet or smartphone on April 1 at/after 8:00am to register. Need-based scholarships are also available. The main site for classes is Holmes Elementary, but classes also take place at various community sites around Lincoln. Before Care and Lunch Care services are available at select sites as is free bus service. Find more details online at