SCIP Presents Community Awareness Series, “Youth Anxiety and Depression”

SCIP (School Community Intervention and Prevention) ( inviting parents, students, school personnel, and community members to attend their awareness series, “Youth Anxiety and Depression,” on February 27 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Lincoln High School Media Center, as these entities each play a role in providing supportive pathways for youth as they navigate childhood and adolescence. SCIP is partnering with Lincoln Public Schools, Bryan Independence Center, and the Lancaster Prevention Coalition to share this series of valuable presentations about how to support the health and well-being of our community’s youth. No registration is required.

Series presenter Melissa Tucci is a licensed independent mental health practitioner and alcohol and drug counselor. She will discuss the two most common mental health issues that arise in today’s youth. Attendees will also learn how to recognize early warning signs of anxiety and depression and how to support youth who may be struggling.

School Community Intervention & Prevention is supported in whole or part by Grant #2B08T1010034 under the SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the Nebraska Division of Behavioral Health and monies passed through by Region 4 and Region V to prevention providers ($135,170 or 53%) and $121,933 or 47% from non-governmental entities. For more information about other presentations in the series or for more information about LMEP programs such as SCIP, visit