SCIP to Sponsor Presentation on the Impact of Marijuana Use on Youth

“But It’s Just Marijuana, Isn’t It?: The Impact of Marijuana Use on Our Youth” will be the topic of the upcoming Promoting Healthy Behaviors Community Awareness series on Thursday, October 21 in the Media Center at Schoo Middle School, located at 700 Penrose Dr. Sponsored by School Community Intervention and Prevention (SCIP,, Lincoln Public Schools, and Region V Systems, the presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. and feature Officer Andre O’Conner, a licensed drug recognition expert with the Lincoln Police Department and a former school resource officer. He will discuss marijuana and the effects it has on adolescents, how marijuana has evolved over the years, the signs and symptoms of marijuana use, the difference between nicotine vape pens and marijuana concentrate pens, street drug names and emojis used to communicate about marijuana use and distribution, and stash compartments used to hide marijuana and/or paraphernalia.

School Community Intervention & Prevention is a program designed to bring together families, schools, and the community to support student behavioral and emotional health. They are supported in whole or part by Grant #2B08T1010034 under the SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the Nebraska Division of Behavioral Health and monies passed through by Region 4 and Region V to prevention providers ($140,170 or 47%) and $161,100 or 53% from non-governmental entities. For more information on SCIP, visit their website at or call (402) 327-6843.