Vision Maker Media Presents Documentaries to Celebrate Organization’s 45th Anniversary
Vision Maker Media’s ( 45th Anniversary celebration includes the presentation of two 2021 documentary film premieres: Sisters Rising and Chasing Voices.
Sisters Rising, which premiered April 20, is the story of six Native women fighting to heal a society crippled for far too long by violence against Indigenous women in the United States. Sisters Rising now is available for streaming on America ReFramed at Chasing Voices premieres on FNX May 2. This film tells the extraordinary life journey of controversial ethnographer John Peabody Harrington, who compiled well over 1 million pages of notes about more than 100 different Native American languages during his 50-year career.
Vision Maker Media is the premiere source of public media by and about Native Americans for 45 years. To learn more about Chasing Voices and Sisters Rising, and to browse their collection of high-quality films, please visit To check your local listing, visit