WasteCap Nebraska has been awarded $115,713 from the NDEQ Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Fund. The grant provides funding in 2014 for Zero Waste Outreach and Technical Services for businesses and communities and supports WasteCap’s Green Team Roundtables, weekly Eco-Facts, market development research and business waste assessments. Waste assessments provide insights into purchasing, processes and waste handling to reduce costs. WasteCap offers three levels of waste assessment services to organizations – the On-Site Review, the Comprehensive Waste Assessment and the Waste Audit.  See case studies at www.wastecapne.org/technical-services.

WasteCap Nebraska has also begun working on a two-year project funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) to engage five Nebraska communities in a program called Zero Waste Community Education and Planning. The purpose of the program is to educate local community leaders, businesses and the public about zero waste strategies and their value to the community.  Eco-Cycle of Boulder, Colorado is providing consulting, assessment tools and educational resources, including their “10-year Bridge Strategy to Zero Waste”, a framework to help communities develop a zero waste infrastructure.

WasteCap Nebraska is a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides education, training and services to help businesses and communities reach their full potential through practices that support economic, environmental and societal priorities. Contact WasteCap Nebraska at (402) 436-2384 to schedule a waste assessment or learn more about programs.