The Lincoln community came out in force to celebrate the opening of the new YWCA facility on November 9th. Mayor Chris Beutler joined with other elected officials, Chamber of Commerce representatives, business leaders, donors, dance families, volunteers, and many other supporters to usher in a brand new era for the YWCA. With their wonderful new offices, they will be able to continue their journey of support for the women and girls of our community far into Lincoln’s future.

YWCA Lincoln continues to be a vital community agency that seeks to Create Community for Every Lincoln Woman. YWCA Lincoln programs have an important impact on the development of disadvantaged children, leadership and empowerment for adolescent girls, providing access to the arts for all girls, and promoting personal growth, self-reliance, empowerment, and mentorship of the women in our community.

For more information about YWCA, please call (402) 434-3494 or visit: