On February 12, 2024, Amber C. Nore joined the Big Brothers Big Sisters (bbbsmidlands.org) team as the Director of Community Engagement, and now, one year later, she’s an irreplaceable member of the team!
Amber serves as the lead strategist for fund development and has worked to create a multiyear plan for increasing voluntary revenue and community and corporate engagement with the agency to inform and support plans for growth and sustainability at the BBBS Lincoln agency.
With her passion for empowering youth and her proven track record in fostering meaningful connections within our communities, Amber has been working to strengthen the reach of Big Brothers Big Sisters, ensuring that more young lives are positively impacted and empowered for a brighter future. To reach Amber, email anore@bbbslincoln.org or text/ call (402) 281-4899.
Big Brothers Big Sisters helps children realize their potential and build their futures. They nurture children and strengthen communities. Their mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Learn more or sign up to become a mentor at bbbsmidlands.org.