The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s ( Susan Sheridan has been elected to the National Academy of Education.
Sheridan is the first Husker faculty member selected for the honor. She is the George Holmes University Professor of educational psychology and the founding director of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.
“The work that I’ve been able to do has only been possible because of the many relationships and partnerships that I’ve been a part of over the past 30-plus years,” she said. “My collaborations with colleagues and students that share in this vision and help push it forward has leveraged our efforts in ways that I could never have imagined.”
Sheridan has been at Nebraska since 1998 after several years at the University of Utah, but she traces her interest in helping schools and families work together to benefit children to her stint as a “baby school psychologist” early in her career. “I realized then that paradoxically, we have to support adults to make a difference in kids’ lives.”
The mission of the National Academy of Education, founded in 1965, is to advance high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. The academy consists of U.S. members and international associates who are elected based on scholarship related to education. The academy undertakes research studies to address pressing educational issues and administers professional development fellowships to enhance the preparation of the next generation of education scholars. To learn more visit