Tami Barrett Appointed BBB Lincoln Branch Manager
The Better Business Bureau (BBB; www.bbb.org/us/ne/lincoln) is pleased to announce that Tami Barrett has been appointed as BBB’s new Lincoln branch manager. She replaced Teresa Stitcher Fritz who retired in August of this year.
The branch manager’s duties include maintaining BBB’s Lincoln office, supervising its staff, serving as BBB’s liaison to Lincoln and greater Nebraska businesses and coordinating the annual BBB Integrity Awards Event in Lincoln. Ms. Barrett will also be working with the other directors in BBB’s Omaha, Sioux Falls, and Wichita offices.
Ms. Barrett received a Bachelor of Science Degree in psychology from Peru State College in 1999. From 2002 – 2015, Tami served as local long-term care ombudsman and SMP (senior Medicare patrol) coordinator. In this position, she provided exceptional locally-based complaint resolution and resident advocacy by using care planning as a problem-solving vehicle to focus everyone’s attention on the needs of residents in long-term care facilities.
Before coming to the BBB, Tami worked at United Health Care as a community health worker assisting members with barriers to care and connecting them to community resources.
Additionally, Tami has spoken at regional and national SMP conferences in Washington DC, Michigan, and Missouri. She was a member of the Elder Rights Coalition, TRIAD, and the SMP Steering Committee where she collaborated with partner organizations including CIMRO of Nebraska, CMS – the Nebraska Health Care Association and the office of the Nebraska Attorney General.