TeamMates Recognizes Bob Fitzsimmons for His Legacy of Support

TeamMates of Lincoln ( would like to thank Bob Fitzsimmons for his support over the years. Bob has been a TeamMates advocate for 18 years. From 2006 – 2013, he served on the TeamMates of Lincoln Advisory Board; he’s participated on TeamMates Service Club Committee, and donated generously to TeamMates’ general fund. In addition, he has supported an annual scholarship for the past nine years.

In 1997, Bob trained to be a TeamMates mentor. To this day, he keeps in contact with his first mentee, George, a successful businessman. Bob encouraged George to partner with him to provide a TeamMates scholarship donation, passing along the tradition of community giving. With George’s matching contribution, Bob’s original scholarship was doubled!

Bob is known for going the extra mile. “Investing in others produces a warm glow in my heart, lifts me up, and makes me feel alive,” Bob says. Helping kids face challenges motivates Bob’s service to TeamMates and the other organizations he supports.

TeamMates of Lincoln is grateful for Bob Fitzsimmons of FP Wealth Management for his long-term support and advocacy. Supporters like Bob make TeamMates’ mission a reality. Can your business be a community partner? Call TeamMates at (402) 436-1990 to find out how, or visit