The Waterford Communities is proud to announce the appointment or Eric Haider as CEO of the Waterford Assisted Living and Memory Care at Wilderness Hill.  For over 25 years, Eric has worked in Long Term Care, Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities as an Administrator, CCS, and a CEO.  Eric is the recipient of several awards including Administrator of the Year, the Best Practice Award, and the Excellence in Service and Care Delivery Award.  Eric is a nationally recognized speaker who has appeared on television news programs, and has been invited to speak at a variety of state, national and international conferences hosted by Health Care Associates.  Eric is inspiring the world to improve the way health care is provided to seniors and to change the perception of long-term care.

The Waterford Communities have three Assisted Living locations in Lincoln. The Waterford at Williamsburg located on the corner of 40th and Pine Lake provides Assisted Living Care; The Waterford at College View on South 48th Street offers higher levels of Assisted Living care; and the newest community, The Waterford at Wilderness Hills located at 27th and Yankee Hill, provides Memory Care in a home-like setting.  Each community specializes in providing a variety of housing and care needs for mature adults and a welcoming atmosphere for their families. For more information about The Waterford Communities, please call (402) 890-0972 or visit