Tabitha Offers Support Groups, Online Hospice Volunteer Training in March

Tabitha ( offers a variety of support groups in Lincoln and Lancaster County. Helpful for many people processing their grief, grief groups give participants the opportunity to connect with others who are experiencing kindred feelings of loss. Tabitha offers multiple support groups online:

Grieving Gracefully Book Club discusses faith-based books. The support group will be discussing C. S. Lewis’ A Grief Observed every second and fourth Thursday, March 10 and 24, from noon to 1 p.m.

Hope Book Club delves into inspirational books that exemplify others growing through grief. This club will be reading Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief by Joanne Cacciatore. The meeting time this month is to be determined.

Growing through Grief is a six-week educational support group that provides basic skills for coping with loss. It also gives members an opportunity to learn from each other. Growing through Grief can be done in person or online, depending on interest. A new session, which will be held Tuesdays at 1 p.m. online, begins March 22.

If you are interested in enrolling in a grief group, please contact a bereavement coordinator. Register online at or call (402) 486-8506. Participation is free.

Tabitha is also offering online hospice volunteer training. Hospice volunteering is a rewarding opportunity that provides companionship, pet therapy, bereavement support, respite care, office and clerical support while providing comfort and joy to Tabitha clients and families. For questions or to learn more, contact Kara Hillhouse, Tabitha Hospice volunteer coordinator, at (402) 486-8577 or email

As the state’s quality award-winning senior care expert, nonprofit Tabitha empowers people to live joyfully, age gratefully through results-driven rehabilitation, accessible at-home home health care, innovative living communities, and compassionate hospice services. Learn more at