TFLC Offers LGBTQIA+ Resources in Honor of Pride Month

Tobacco Free Lancaster County (TFLC, celebrates Pride Month with their partners at OutNebraska by educating and providing cessation resources to the LGBTQIA+ community!

Did you know that tobacco use is two to four times more likely for LGBTQIA+ individuals? The tobacco industry has spent decades and billions of dollars targeting the LGBTQIA+ community with advertising, funding or hosting events, and posing as allies. These tobacco industry tactics, now used by e-cigarette companies, continue addicting people to their products, negatively impacting physical and mental health.

Individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community experience stigma, discrimination, stress, and sometimes poor mental health. Some mistakenly believe that tobacco products are helping to manage symptoms when nicotine withdrawal is actually fueling the cycle of stress and anxiety. TFLC knows that providing support, celebrating every victory, and effective resources are beneficial for every quit attempt.

To learn more about the impact of tobacco use on the LGBTQIA+ community, check out TFLC’s panel discussion called “Is Tobacco Use a Social Justice Issue in the LGBTQ Community?” available on YouTube at

Funding for Tobacco Free Lancaster County is provided by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services/Tobacco Free Nebraska Program as a result of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. If you or someone you know needs support quitting tobacco, please call 1-(800) QUIT-NOW for free, confidential support available 24/7. Come see TFLC at Star City Pride! Find out more at