Karl was in the foster care system as a youth and Angel was adopted internationally, so they both had an understanding of what life is like as a child growing up in a family different from their own.
Angel and Karl decided they wanted to pursue foster care because Karl had some reservations about adoption. They went through training and became licensed.
Angel said she recalls God telling them, “Please don’t limit what I can use you for.” As a result, they were open to whatever God had planned for them.
Karl and Angel didn’t have any children of their own, and their first placement was the youngest two of a sibling strip of five. They had these two for nine months and then took in the three older siblings. Now all five siblings were together in their home.
During this time, HHS continued to look for appropriate family members to place them with. The only family member they could locate, a great uncle who was pursuing placement, dropped out of the picture. It was then that Angel and Karl told the caseworker that they would be willing to provide permanency for all five children.
After all parental rights were terminated, Angel and Karl adopted all five children on National Adoption Day in November of 2014.
There have been some great moments, such as taking them shopping for the first time and getting their own clothes, having their own toys to play with, and going on a vacation to Minnesota.
There have also been difficult times, such as night terrors and the effects of neglect on children.
However, God has been with them through it all and continues to walk with them through the ups and downs of each day. Through it all, God has taught Angel and Karl to be faithful.
Since 1980 Christian Heritage has been caring for Nebraska’s abused and neglected children. There is a huge need in Nebraska to care for children.
If you would like to find out more about the process to become a foster parent please visit Christian Heritage at chne.org.