Transworld Business Advisors is a business brokerage franchise based out of West Palm Beach Florida, now with a Lincoln office owned by Mary Jo (MJ) Cassner.
Tell us a little about your business. – Easy as 1, 2, 3, Transworld Business Advisors of Lincoln offers help with business sales, franchising, and franchise development. 1. If a person owns a business and is retiring, has health issues, or just wants a change, they can call us! We only get paid when we close the deal. 2. If a person has ever thought about starting an exciting new franchise on your own, we guide him or her through the process to help find the right one! This is a complementary service. 3. A successful business with all the systems in place may want to become a franchise. Others may want to emulate it – we develop it into a franchise! Basically, we advertise, keep it confidential, and bring the buyers to the client.
How did you get started in the business? – I sold a business I owned in Lincoln for 11 years with the help of a broker. The process was time-consuming and complicated, and I had to keep the business strong while selling it AND keeping it confidential. The broker did all the work and at the end of the process I had the freedom to move on, I was still interested in helping others like me.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – I think taking the risk to start a new business is scary, but I couldn’t just ‘play it safe.’ I get excited about business and owning my own business as well as learning about other business owners and helping them succeed. To find that fulfillment, you have to step out of the comfort zone. You put everything on the line and step out in faith, believing you have a great idea worth the risk, the work, and the cost.
What has been your most important achievement professionally? – 1. Teaching for 14 years 2. Owning a business for 11 years. I was awarded the Republican National Committee Business Owner of the Year in 2004.
Tell me a little about your family. – I have supportive parents, (although the shift of responsibility has changed), a very supportive husband, and three beautiful children. Our oldest daughter is a doctor in Nashville, our middle son is in college at Milford, and our 14 year old is a national cheerleading champion.
What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – I accepted Christ at age 21. The decision turned my life around. I have total faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to see me through daily struggles and life issues too big for me. He is the best.
What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Go swimming or workout at the gym, garden, and/or visit friends.
What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? – I had an injury that left me quadriplegic at age 21, but thankfully recovered!
What local non-profit organization(s) are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? – I lead a Good News Club with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and I run a 501c3 called South Sudan Gospel Mission Alliance ( I believe we have a responsibility to help the poorest, neediest people on the planet, whom God loves also. Tens of thousands of refugees need help. We are starting two orphanages and a Christian leadership training center in Ethiopia and S. Sudan.
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