Meet Whitney Jurgens, regional marketing and operations consultant at Kinetic by Windstream.

Tell us a little about your business.Windstream ( provides high-speed broadband internet, phone service, and Digital TV packages to residential customers as well as products and services for businesses and government agencies. Kinetic is invested in connecting the territories we serve to help them thrive and receive the best products and customer service possible.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? – The pandemic has affected the way we impact the local communities we are a part of. However, this has proved as an opportunity to use my creativity to develop out of the box marketing events and initiatives.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? – In May of 2020, I earned my master’s degree in integrated marketing and media communications from UNL. Earning this degree was challenging due to the pandemic, working full-time, and caring for our newborn. Now, I get to apply my learnings to creating local relationships within the five states I represent for the Kinetic brand.

Tell us a little about your family. – My husband Justin and I have been married for three years. We live in the village of Cortland, NE with our son Henry (2) and fur-child Winston (4). We love to spend our time outdoors going on walks, kayaking, and picking up the rocks Henry throws in the yard. When not outside, you’ll find us running through the house chasing cars, playing hide and seek, or having family dance parties.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? – Becoming a mother. While I have always wanted to be a mother and was blessed with our son, I also thrive on being a successful professional and the relationships I hold outside of my home. Learning how to manage being a working mother was a learning process and one that took (and still takes) grace and determination. Although it’s still a struggle at times, I believe I have the best work and family support systems to help me flourish.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? – Aside from being outside, I love doing random house projects—I’m basically Joanna Gaines of the Midwest!

Who inspires you? – My grandma Karen. She has been through it all, yet still provides love, nurturing, and support to everyone around her. She is truly the glue that keeps our family together and serves as a role model for so many.

What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? – “People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care,” – Theodore Roosevelt.

If you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? – Passionate. I pride myself on bringing passion (perhaps too much at times) to any table I’m seated at. You can find me being passionate about anything from family to paint colors to local partnerships.

If you could choose any other profession to be successful in, what would it be? – I have ambitions of becoming a culture and relationship coach.

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read? – You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero.

What is your favorite local restaurant? – Yia Yia’s.

If our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – (402) 694-9653;;