Nebraska Career Connections (NCC) was founded in 2006 to support career education for students in the state of Nebraska. We are a project of Partnerships for Innovation, an affiliated fund of the Nebraska Community Foundation, powering an online portal that is free to all students in the state for use with career education and career planning. 98% of the schools in the state are registered to use the site with their students, with all Lincoln High Schools participating. Students using the NCC system have a 91% college going rate, significantly above the 67% national average. In addition, students who use the system are completing college faster than those not using the system as evidenced by the finding that over 60% of system-users had never changed their college major choice, saving time and money.
Nebraska Career Connections is also available to adult job seekers in the state. Adults, like students, are able to take personal assessments, build resumes & cover letters and create an e-portfolio.
For more information about Nebraska Career Connections (NCC), visit or call 432-0096.