LNK DNA Event Plays Key Role in Workforce Development Efforts
Entertainment, nightlife and a vibrant creative atmosphere is critical to making our community a place people want to put down roots and proudly say – “I’m from Lincoln, Nebraska.”
The point was clearly driven home in the latest Angelou Report. The report highlights the critical role workforce development will play in growing Lincoln’s economy in the coming decade. One of the suggestions from Angelou Economics to aid in retaining and attracting workers to Lincoln was to create a community-wide event that was unique to Lincoln. As we looked around the country for inspiration, our focus quickly turned to the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin, Texas. If you haven’t heard of SXSW, it started as a small event in 1987 designed to celebrate the local music scene in Austin. Today, it has grown to include music, independent film screenings and has served as showcase for the latest in cutting edge technology. If you play SXSW or have your film featured there, you know you’ve made the national stage.
We think we can achieve something similar here with LNK DNA.
The LNK DNA event marks the first time Lincoln will combine the Lincoln Calling music festival with Startup Week, Lincoln’s Young Professionals Week, Make Lincoln and other community events. This first year will also feature a stop on Steve Case’s Rise of the Rest Tour.
All of the action takes place the first week in October.
Putting all the pieces together makes sense. We have an incredibly active group of young professionals working to make Lincoln a destination city, the Lincoln Calling music festival is poised to explode and Lincoln’s startup scene has gained the attention of the nation. By combining all those successes and placing our focus on retaining and developing talent, Lincoln will be well positioned to compete in the global marketplace of the next decade and beyond.
I challenge everyone, young professional or seasoned adult, to pick out one event during LNK DNA and get involved. I’m sure you will come away from the experience with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for all of the great things going on in Lincoln.
On another note related to workforce development – the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors approved a resolution of support for the Southeast Community College Bond appearing on the November general election ballot.
Southeast Community College plays a major role in filling the talent needs in areas like manufacturing, health care and skilled trades for construction. Additionally, SCC’s academic transfer program aides students who may not be ready for a four-year program immediately after high school, but who later go on to study in the highly sought after STEM programs.
If you have any questions regarding support of the resolution, please feel free to reach out to our Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Bruce Bohrer.
Thank you again for your membership and we would appreciate your support of this issue. We believe this is also an important step to bridging the workforce gap.
The Chamber’s mission is to improve the lives of Lincoln residents by providing increased economic opportunity and can only be accomplished together. For more information on the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, (www.lcoc.com) please contact Jaime Henning at jaimehenning@lcoc.com.