Christian Business Men’s Connection (, CBMC) Lincoln will be hosting an in-person, livestreaming experience at their Lincoln office for the t-factor Summit on Thursday, May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This virtual instructional initiative is designed for CEOs, leaders and influencers who have an interest in transforming their organization to a purpose-driven and faith-friendly workplace.

Frank Harrison, Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Consolidated, will be sharing the company’s story of transformation and how Coca-Cola Consolidated became a company that honors God, serves others, pursues excellence and is driven to grow profitably.

The Summit agenda is both informative and inspirational and features a line-up of experienced speakers. Topics include steps to transform your workplace, the legalities of faith-based programs, corporate chaplaincy and charitable giving. A testimony of personal transformation will be shared by Mark Whitacre, Executive Director of t-factor. Participants will have an opportunity to interact with speakers virtually. Resources to help transform your organization to a faith-friendly and servant-oriented workplace will be provided.

Information about the t-factor event can be found at Contact Larry at for further information and registration.

For further information about CBMC Lincoln, connect with them on Facebook (@cbmclincolnne), visit or call (402) 204-1997.