Walter’s Painting Inc. ( is very excited to announce their new hires, Kesha, Greg, Aaron, Parker, Acklin and Aron to their dedicated team. The more the merrier and the extra help Walter’s Painting Inc. provide professional painting for the exterior of any Lincoln business at any time of the new including new construction, apartment complexes, condos and commercial and industrial complexes. These new painters join a team of skilled and qualified painters who have years of experience. Help Walter’s Painting Inc. welcome them!
When hiring Walter’s Painting Inc. for your Lincoln area painting and special coatings application needs, you can rest assured that any item not to be painted will be protected at al times. Their professional painters will work diligently to ensure the quality of their work. They offer full service painting, staining and special coatings application, including power washing. If you have a project in mind, do not hesitate to give them a call today! Their customers know they can count on them to deliver first rate work. Contact them at (402) 730-1781 or schedule an appointment at