On January 2, 2011, the Omaha World-Herald quoted Governor Dave Heineman as saying, “I’m not going to sign a bill into law that just tweaks [the CIR] on the margin. . . . The only changes I’m willing to sign into law are those that are meaningful and significant.” Governor Heineman further indicated to the World-Herald that if the proposed changes were not significant enough, it might be worth scrapping the system altogether.
City of Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler also indicated on KLIN 1400 AM that he agreed with Governor Heineman in that reform to the CIR must be meaningful and significant.
The Lincoln Independent Business Association (LIBA) agrees with Governor Heineman and Mayor Beutler that we need fundamental reform of the Commission of Industrial Relations (CIR). LB564 offers the most comprehensive and complete restructuring of the CIR. It places the final decision-making authority where it should be (with our elected officials) and extends that authority to cities, counties and schools.
LB619 completely removes schools from the CIR’s jurisdiction. LB623 leaves the decision-making authority with the CIR and only applies to Douglas County. LB555 leaves the decision-making authority with the CIR and is vague with respect to the comparability factors. LB482 includes a broad and ambiguous MSA provision and only applies to cities. LB564 is the only bill that sufficiently answers Governor Heineman’s call for significant and meaningful reform.
The LIBA Board of Directors encourages the Business and Labor Committee to heed the counsel of Governor Heineman and Mayor Beutler to incorporate fundamental reform of the CIR as offered in LB564. In the absence of substantial reform, LIBA would support LB664—complete repeal of the CIR.
LIBA asks you to call or email the Senators of the Business & Labor Committee and ask that they forward LB564 to the full Legislature for debate. Their emails are listed below. You might also send a copy of your email to our Lincoln Senators who are also listed below.
Business and Labor Committee
Sen. Steve Lathrop, Chair slathrop@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2623
Sen. Tanya Cook, Vice Chair tcook@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2727
Sen. Brad Ashford bashford@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2622
Sen. Tom Carlson tcarlson@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2732
Sen. Burke Harr bharr@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2722
Sen. Jim Smith jsmith@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2730
Sen. Norman Wallman nwallman@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2620
Lincoln Senators
Sen. Amanda McGill amcgill@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2610
Sen. Kathy Campbell kcampbell@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2731
Sen. Danielle Conrad dconrad@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2720
Sen. Ken Haar khaar@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2673
Sen. Colby Coash ccoash@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2632
Sen. Tony Fulton tfulton@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2734
Sen. Norman Wallman nwallman@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2620
Sen. Bill Avery bavery@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2633
by Coby Mach, President & CEO
Lincoln Independent Business Association (LIBA)
LIBA studies and promotes these types of issues that are important to businesses and
our community. If you have an interest in joining LIBA, please call me at 402-466-3419.
LIBA membership is not restricted to just businesses. We also have “individual” memberships
for those who want to help influence our local government decisions.