This Legislative session has kept the LIBA staff very busy. In addition to supporting and opposing bills and changes in state law, LIBA ( took an opportunity to set the record straight on committee testimony. One such letter is presented below for your review.
Mr. Governor, Chairman Gloor, and Members of the Revenue Committee:
During testimony on LB 958, Mayor Beutler painted a picture of low taxes in Lincoln. Beutler said property tax rates have decreased 38% from 1954 to today. While that statistic may be true, the property tax reduction occurred during the years when Mike Johanns was Mayor and the city saw major growth in sales taxes. Lincoln had an increase in large and small retailers and it paid off with lower property taxes. We have seen major growth in the sales taxes the past few years, but no recent property tax decrease.
In fact, during the past nine years, property tax values have gone up and so has the levy rate in order to fund increases in city budgets. During this time, our property tax levy in Lincoln was raised 10%. The Lincoln wheel tax was increased by 37%, and we have watched local cell phone, sales, and other taxes increase. Mayor Beutler even invented a new electricity tax called a “city dividend.”
Taxes are not our only concern, as we have watched some expenses get shifted to “debt.” Since 2001 the city of Lincoln has increased its obligations under installment contracts and corresponding COP bonds from $1.4 million in debt to a total of $41.6 million as of this fall. We were glad to see Senator Laura Ebke introduce LB 992 this year, which would provide taxpayers protection against this growing debt.
Is Lincoln successful? Yes. Is it a great place to live? Yes. However, suggesting that Lincoln is a safe haven from taxes is not accurate and we believe you should have the entire picture.
Would you like to add your voice to the business community in Lincoln? If so, please join the Lincoln Independent Business Association by calling Kay Petersen or Janell Folkerts at (402) 466-3419. We would like to add your thoughts and voice to the 1,300 members who promote free enterprise.
LIBA studies and promotes these types of issues that are important to businesses and our community. If you have an interest in joining LIBA, please call me at (402) 466-3419. LIBA membership is not restricted to just businesses. We also have “individual” memberships for those who want to help influence our local government decisions.
For more information on LIBA, visit