The Lincoln Independent Business Association thanks Mayor Beutler for taking steps to increase the number of police officers dealing with gang activity.  On May 15, 2014, the Mayor announced that he would apply for grants to pay for two additional police officers to help with our growing gang problem. We applaud this decision.

It has been eight months since the Lincoln Police Union, City Councilman Roy Christensen, and LIBA made a plea for more officers.  At that time, LIBA pointed out that Lincoln maintains one of the lowest strength ratios in the country with 1.22 officers per thousand citizens. We also noted a 30% increase in gang related assaults in Lincoln.

LIBA is pleased that the city is seeking grant funding for these officers.  However if the grant dollars are not awarded, LIBA encourages the Mayor and City Council to maintain public safety as Lincoln’s highest priority and prioritize current revenues to fully fund new officers.

LIBA is not advocating that the City of Lincoln raise taxes to support additional officers. The organization believes a combination of growth in Lincoln’s tax base and prioritization of needs can finance additional officer positions. Lincoln maintains a biannual budget cycle therefore a new budget will not be proposed until later this year.  The next few months should be spent in community dialogue on prioritization of LPD, and the optimal strength ratio for the City of Lincoln.

Lincoln is a growing community, and crime is growing with its population.  The Mayor has taken a step to recognize the needs of this growing community and LIBA asks that the community maintain this forward progression through continued community dialogue about the prioritization of existing tax dollars toward additional officers for Lincoln’s Police force.

On a final note, LIBA has moved the LIBA luncheons.  If you have considered joining LIBA, but could not attend the Tuesday luncheons, they now take place on the third Monday of every month.   We average 180 business and community leaders who attend every month.

Would you like to become a member of LIBA?  We would like to add your voice to our organization.  Business memberships are under $260 a year and individuals who believe in a conservative approach to government are also encouraged to join for only $100.  For more information on joining LIBA, please call me at (402) 466-3419.  You will also find more information about LIBA by visiting our web site  Thank you!

by Coby Mach, President & CEO

Lincoln Independent Business Association


LIBA studies and promotes these types of issues that are important to businesses and our community.  If you have an interest in joining LIBA, please call me at 466-3419.  LIBA membership is not restricted to just businesses.  We also have “individual” memberships for those who want to help influence our local government decisions.