In just 10 short months the citizens of Lincoln will be called on to vote for the Mayor and four City Council members. These elected officials serve the Lincoln community by keeping Lincoln’s taxes low and prioritizing dollars toward the most necessary projects, and minimizing regulatory burdens on our employers and job creators. To help Lincoln be the best community for families and business we need community leaders willing to stand up for Lincoln.
Have you ever thought about running for office? Would you…
• Keep taxes low.
• Prioritize funds.
• Keep Lincolnites safe by properly funding police.
• Support traffic safety by moving large semitrailers to a south beltway.
• Understand that every tax dollar the city collects is a dollar that they take out of the local economy, out of our businesses and employee’s pockets.
• Understand that tax dollars should go for Lincoln’s basic needs – infrastructure and public safety. These are the things individual citizens cannot do for themselves or one another.
• Understand that the more we regulate our businesses the harder it is to create and maintain good paying jobs in our community.
If you, or someone you know, is committed to these principles please consider stepping forward to lead in our community. Lincoln can prosper only if citizens are willing to lead from the front.
Of course there are many other city issues that are worth discussing like parks, libraries, sidewalks, economic development, and fixing problem properties. While each of these is certainly worthwhile, we need to encourage community leaders to focus on fixing our local streets. Documents recently provided by the Mayor’s office show that in the past 9 years, our street conditions have deteriorated horribly. In 2005 we only had 13% of our streets in fair to poor condition. Today we have 37% that are rated fair to poor.
The documents also reveal a startling statistic. A $1 million dollar project can cost as much as $15 million if the street declines from “good” to “poor.” You can see that properly funding street rehabilitation is a smart move and saves all of us money!
We need candidates who will prioritize road funding and other tax dollars so that Lincolnites can grow, prosper and provide good jobs.
If you are interested please contact the LIBA Office for more information.
By Coby Mach, President & CEO
Lincoln Independent Business Association
LIBA studies and promotes these types of issues that are important to businesses and our community. If you have an interest in joining LIBA, please call me at 466-3419. LIBA membership is not restricted to just businesses. We also have “individual” memberships for those who want to help influence our local government decisions.