Senator Deb Fischer has a state bill for funding one of the Legislature’s core functions: highway construction. Her plan calls for a half cent of existing sales tax to be funneled to highway construction over 20 years. According to a press release on the Nebraska Legislature’s Web site, Senator Fischer said that “highways are different than other areas of government” in that it “takes long-term planning and long-term financing for government to supply an adequate transportation system for its citizens.” Senator Fischer’s plan includes the following:
• The bill would take effect in 2013 (a two-year delay to allow state revenues to recover from recession and give time for NDOR to prepare projects that have been on the shelf)
• $20 million per year to be shared with cities and counties based on allocation formula
• NDOR required to spend at least $15 million per year on completion of the expressway system
• Bonding is an option, which allows NDOR to bond for high-priority projects with a cap of $500 million in issued bonds and a debt-service ceiling of $25 million per year.
The Lincoln Independent Business Association (LIBA) agrees with Senator Fischer that her plan is a “conservative approach” to addressing the citizens’ needs for a safe and reliable highway system.
This bill does NOT include a tax increase.
Let me say it again, this bill does not include a tax increase. It is a very forward-thinking bill that projects a future increase in state revenue and says we will set those funds aside for roads. Plus, Lincoln will share the $20 million per year that is allocated to cities and counties!
Therefore, the LIBA Board of Directors encourages the Legislature to allow for implementation of LB84 and vote in the affirmative for Senator Fischer’s bill. We also encourage you to contact your state Senator and ask them for their support.
Note: Are you a member of LIBA? We would like to add your voice to our organization. Business memberships are under $250 a year and individuals who believe in a conservative approach to government are also encouraged to join for only $100. Call Coby Mach at 402-466-3419.
by Coby Mach, President & CEO
Lincoln Independent Business Association
LIBA studies and promotes these types of issues that are important to businesses and
our community. If you have an interest in joining LIBA, please call me at 402-466-3419.
LIBA membership is not restricted to just businesses. We also have “individual” memberships
for those who want to help influence our local government decisions.