What do you think of when you think of unhealthy lifestyles… overweight, unfit, smoker? Most people think of wellness as a physical measure when in fact, a survey conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services of 1352 businesses demonstrates that stress is the biggest issue affecting the worksite. The results are 30-45% more prevalent than issues surrounding obesity or physical inactivity. The new Human Risk Improvement model takes another view on people. It looks at the resources that impact human performance and builds a cultural advantage strategy.

It is well known that companies with a competitive edge do several things correctly.

1) They recruit and select the best candidates

2) They invest in their people with training and development programs

3) They mitigate loss with aggressive programs to protect people

4) They invest in wellbeing programs to improve culture and decrease cost.

The UNICO Human Risk Improvement platform is a blend of traditional wellness, human resource management, disability and loss control, and training and development. It looks at the following areas and provides services for success:

Productivity Solutions:
Training and development
Intellectual wellness
Social and spiritual wellness
Financial wellness

Health Solutions:
Health benefits
Physical wellbeing
Wellness strategy ties to benefit and performance metrics
Assessment and analytics to build and evaluate programs

Absence Solutions:
Safety and loss control
Emotional wellness
Employment practices
Voluntary benefit design

Disability Solutions:
Injury management
Return to work strategies
Short and long term insurance
Claims advocacy

Why is this important…the challenge is to look at wellness through a different lens. Human beings are complex and every organization is unique in its structure, culture and needs. The Human Risk Improvement model recognizes and provides resources to meet the needs of the whole person and whole organization.

To find out more about the value to your organization contact UNICO Midlands at (402) 434-7246.

by Lisa Henning, Executive Wellness Consultant

UNICO Midlands

