Building a business from seedling to success requires not only passion and dedication but also a strategic approach that navigates the numerous challenges you will inevitably face. Sometimes business growth depends on having good strategies in place to best position you for success.

Here are some key tips for growing your business:

Define Your Vision: Clarify your business’s long-term objectives and mission, providing a clear roadmap for growth and direction.

Know Your Market: Conduct thorough market research to understand consumer needs, preferences and industry trends, informing strategic decision-making.

Develop a Strong Brand: Cultivate a compelling brand identity that resonates with your target audience, fostering loyalty and differentiation in the marketplace.

Focus on Customer Experience: Prioritize exceptional customer service and satisfaction, building lasting relationships and driving word-of-mouth referrals.

Innovate Continuously: Embrace innovation and adaptability, staying ahead of the curve with new products, services or technological advancements.

Invest in Talent: Recruit and retain top talent aligned with your company culture and vision, fostering a dynamic and capable team to drive growth.

Expand Your Reach: Explore diverse avenues for growth, whether through geographic expansion, strategic partnerships or diversification of offerings.

Leverage Technology: Harness the power of technology to streamline operations, enhance efficiency and scale your business effectively.

Monitor Financial Health: Maintain a keen eye on financial metrics and performance indicators, making informed decisions to optimize profitability and sustainability.

Stay Agile: Remain agile and responsive to changing market dynamics, pivoting when necessary while staying true to your core values and objectives.

In business every decision you make affects your success. With resilience, vision and strategic acumen, entrepreneurs can nurture their ventures into flourishing enterprises, but it also comes down to having partners to help you along the way. Partners like these local businesses.

The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce is a great connection tool. The chamber is a key player in the efforts to grow businesses in Lincoln. They work with lawmakers and local officials to advance important policies affecting the business community and start conversations for needed changes. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce hosts monthly events to bring business leaders together and ignite collaboration. Through networking opportunities before and after work such as The HIVE and The LNK, members of the business community are given the chance to share their mission and ideas with like-minded individuals.

You may ask yourself if joining the Chamber is a good idea as a growth strategy for your business, and the Chamber can assure you this is true. They are Lincoln’s leading business organization, with over 1,300 businesses with one strong voice for business advocacy and growth. They want you to be part of their organization, and they’ll go to work to help you grow your business as they advocate for a positive business climate in Lincoln.

Systematic Growth

AR Solutions Inc. ( is a licensed, bonded and insured Collection Agency with more than 30 combined years in medical collections. Business owners don’t have time to waste – in Accounts Receivable or in managing multiple vendors, so AR offers solutions that give you back the time you need to balance the competing demands of receivable management issues. AR Solutions Inc. helps give you back time that you can put back into growing your business.

Aaron Newell
AR Solutions, Inc.

But now that you have more time to grow, how do you go about doing that? According to Aaron J Newell, President and CEO of AR Solutions Inc., “The most important thing to keep in mind for anyone wishing to grow a business is metrics. You need to understand what specific metric gauges that need your attention. What actions have you taken in your business that actually produced the most revenue or profit? Once you know these things, you can create duplicatable processes to increase or maintain these high payoff activities.”

Luckily, AR Solutions Inc. is there to help you implement these systems regarding your AR Process to get your business on track for growth.

A TAC-tical and Personal Approach to Payroll and Bookkeeping Services

TAC Payroll Solutions ( provides full-service payroll solutions, bookkeeping services and more at a fair and reasonable cost. They are dedicated to providing your business with the personal attention it deserves.

Terry Clark
TAC Payroll Solutions

Owner and Manager, Terry Clark, has 24 years of experience in multi-state payroll and bookkeeping. With the latest software technology available, Terry’s attention to detail and experience, plus being a member of the Lincoln community, set TAC Payroll Solutions apart from the big box companies. As a small business owner herself, Terry has some advice for those wanting to grow their business.

“Join organizations and do some networking so that your name gets more and more familiar to others in the community. Word of mouth has been one of my best resources in growing my business. There’s no better “pat-on-the-back” than to have a pier or client refer someone looking for the services you provide. New clients tend to trust you more if they were referred by someone they trust. I can’t tell you how many times someone has called me and said, “if so-and-so trusts you, I trust you”,” Said Terry Clark, Owner.
Terry and her team bring a personal approach to providing payroll and bookkeeping services at a fair and reasonable cost. They love being a part of the Lincoln community and pride themselves on bringing good customer service to every interaction they have.

“Don’t try to do everything yourself. If you’re doing everything, most likely you’re not giving everything the attention it deserves. You need to allow the time required to grow your business from making improvements to daily routines to improve efficiency to getting your name out there so that you become the business that others think of.”

Sign Pro: Maximize Your Business Growth with Vehicle Wraps

Are you looking for a cost-effective and high-impact way to boost your company’s visibility? Look no further than vehicle wraps from Sign Pro ( Here’s why investing in vehicle wraps can be a game-changer for your business:

Julie Shald
Sign Pro of Lincoln

Excellent Visibility Medium: Studies show that a vehicle wrap can generate between 30,000 to 70,000 views per day, translating to at least 400,000 impressions per year! This impressive visibility is especially valuable for businesses with vehicles frequently on the road, such as buses, delivery trucks, or vans. By strategically parking your wrapped vehicles for maximum exposure, you can ensure your message reaches a vast audience consistently.

Exclusive Advertising Space: With vehicle wraps, you have exclusive advertising space that isn’t shared with other advertisers. This means your message stands out and is more memorable per impression. You won’t have to compete for visibility or vie for “prime” advertising positions like with other forms of advertising.

Innovative Marketing Concept: Vehicle wraps offer a unique marketing concept that combines eye-catching designs with a mobile advertising platform. Studies have shown that vehicle wrap impressions are not only read but also remembered better than other forms of advertising, second only to television advertising. This innovative approach ensures your message leaves a lasting impression on potential customers.

Investing in vehicle wraps from Sign Pro is a smart move for any business looking to maximize its visibility and grow its customer base. With unparalleled visibility, exclusive advertising space, and innovative marketing concepts, vehicle wraps offer a powerful advertising solution for businesses of all sizes.

Guiderock Commercial Realty LLC- Unique Businesses Require Unique Solutions

Guiderock Commercial Realty LLC ( is a comprehensive commercial real estate agency dedicated to empowering business owners with insights into commercial real estate, enabling them to make informed decisions about their ideal location.

James McCombs
Guiderock Commercial Realty LLC

According to Sales and Leasing Agent James McCombs, “every business has unique requirements in terms of amenities, location, and budget. Guiderock assists clients by discussing these considerations, presenting various options, negotiating favorable terms, and ultimately securing the most suitable option.”

James noted that historically, Lincoln has outperformed the national real estate market, with robust demand across most commercial sectors. Currently, the industrial market shows greater activity compared to retail or office spaces, driven by the city’s growth and demand for new construction. However, there are indications that rising construction costs and interest rates are affecting some transactions negatively.

Determining the optimal timing for relocation varies for each business, depending on factors such as growth phase, availability of suitable locations, and construction timelines. Guiderock typically recommends a lead time of three to nine months, allowing businesses to explore spaces, refine their requirements, negotiate terms, and accommodate any necessary remodeling.

Solid Foundations are Essential to Growth

When launching a new business, many overlook the ongoing work beyond the opening day. It’s crucial to consider growth and scalability from the outset. Fortunately, Alpha Zed Business Services ( aids new business owners in implementing systems like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and automation, enabling streamlined productivity from day one.

Kim Hazelton
Alpha Zed Business Services

According to Systems Strategist Kim Hazelton, new business owners often underestimate the complexities of managing various tasks and data. They may delay implementing systems, thinking it’s unnecessary at the early stages. However, setting a strong foundation early on facilitates smoother growth.

Automation, a rapidly expanding field, holds great potential for businesses. Yet, navigating it can be daunting. Alpha Zed serves as a guiding partner, helping business owners embrace new technologies rather than fearing them.

With decades of administrative support and management experience, Alpha Zed specializes in various areas of business organization, including process improvement, strategy, systems implementation, and data management. For new business owners, planning ahead with Alpha Zed ensures a solid foundation for growth.

Comprehensive Commercial Real Estate Solutions

Real estate decisions wield significant influence, impacting businesses across multiple fronts. Location choices directly affect accessibility to customers, suppliers, and talent pools, crucial for productivity and market expansion. Decisions regarding office space size, layout, and warehouse facilities shape workflow dynamics. Lease negotiations or property acquisitions also affect financial aspects, including costs, cash flow, and long-term commitments, playing a pivotal role in the company’s bottom line and its ability to invest in growth initiatives.

Adam Lowney
Greenleaf Commercial Real Estate

“As businesses plan their space needs for 2024 and beyond, we can assist with relocation, expansion, lease negotiation, or property acquisition decisions,” shared Adam Lowney, CCIM, Senior Sales Associate at Greenleaf Commercial Real Estate ( Given the current interest rate environment and economic uncertainty, making the right real estate decisions is crucial for business success.

Greenleaf Commercial Real Estate offers comprehensive commercial real estate solutions, providing professional services tailored to various needs. Whether you need assistance with leasing, buying, selling, expert advice, or property development, their skilled professionals are dedicated to supporting your success in the commercial real estate sphere. With diverse expertise and services, Greenleaf ensures tailored solutions to help achieve your objectives.Technology That Empowers:

Panology Tech Solutions ( specializes in empowering small businesses with technology solutions tailored to their needs. Focused exclusively on businesses with fewer than 100 employees, Panology helps startups optimize their technology budget from the outset. By offering accessible technical support and cloud services, Panology simplifies cloud adoption through automation, enabling businesses to transition their workloads seamlessly and increase agility while focusing on core operations.

Darren Lichty
Panology Tech Solutions

“Our solutions are designed with small businesses in mind,” stated Owner, Darren Lichty. “We’re committed to making technical support and cloud services easily accessible and affordable, helping our clients achieve their business goals efficiently.”

Panology educates small business owners on available technology options, ensuring informed decision-making from the start. Their technology growth plan facilitates the integration of faster and more advanced technology as businesses expand, preemptively addressing potential deficiencies to prevent operational disruptions.

“At Panology, we understand that as businesses grow, so do their technology demands,” Darren explained. “Our technology growth services identify and resolve potential obstacles early on, ensuring seamless scalability without the ‘growing pains’ often associated with technology.”

Committed to customer satisfaction, quality of service, and loyalty, Panology delivers comprehensive solutions that align with clients’ needs and budgets. Emphasizing quality assurance and efficiency, Panology prioritizes building strong relationships with their clients, recognizing these connections as instrumental to their clients’ success.

Elevate Your Business Presence

Altitude Motion Media ( specializes in crafting high-quality, attention-grabbing videos that propel businesses into the spotlight. Their personalized approach involves collaborating with business owners to tailor videos to their specific needs and desires. The goal? To produce captivating videos for use across social media platforms, emails and websites, maximizing visibility and brand recognition.

Providing strategic video content is Altitude Motion Media’s expertise. They offer 30-second reels and full-length videos designed to captivate audiences in today’s fast-paced, screen-scrolling world. Customers have the flexibility to release videos according to their preferred timeline, whether it’s weekly for a month or monthly for a year. Regardless of the release schedule, these videos help businesses stay top of mind among customers and prospects.

Ryan Lindbeck
Altitude Motion Media

According to Owner, Ryan Lindbeck, “Effective exposure is essential for business growth and should be embraced. A well-crafted, visually appealing video is a powerful tool for introducing potential customers to your business. It’s exposure that spreads rapidly! Consistently putting your business in front of people through networking, social media and emails fosters recognition and memorability.”

Altitude Motion Media’s commitment to providing compelling video content ensures businesses stand out in today’s competitive landscape, driving growth and success.