The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) will hold their January meeting on Thursday, January 21st with a topic of “Copyright Law and How It Affects You”, presented by Michael W. Khalili, Knudsen Law Firm.

Do you or have you ever used music in a training presentation? Cartoons? Have you ever violated copyright law? ASTD-Lincoln’s January meeting will address copyright law and how it affects the work we do in Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP). Mr. Khalili will talk about how to effectively work within copyright laws and how to protect our own intellectual property. The presentation will address: What is public domain and what is not; How to use music, cartoons and video legally; How to protect your intellectual property; How to register a copyright and when it is necessary to do so. The meeting will take place at Doane College-Lincoln Campus, 303 N. 52nd St., Room 302, Lincoln from 11:30am-1:00pm.

Cost: $16 Members/1st & 2nd time guests; $32 Non-member. Register by Thursday, January 14, by calling 402-434-7557 or visit the ASTD-Lincoln website at .

ASTD-Lincoln is a professional association for people of diverse backgrounds. Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better.