CT Construction (ctconstructionlincoln.com) is thrilled about the updates they recently made to their website, which are now launched live. They couldn’t be more excited to have processes streamlined just in time for the holidays, in which CT Construction wishes everyone happy holidays and safe traveling.

CT Construction is also looking to acquire thin-panel large porcelain tile installation certification towards the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024, validating their skills and expertise in installing large porcelain tiles that are relatively thin in thickness. This certification will allow them to offer another service to customers.

CT Construction is a family owned company specializing in bath, kitchen and full-house renovations and remodels in addition to basement home additions, flooring installation and tile. To ensure their projects go as smoothly as possible, CT Construction educates their clients about the products they offer and how their services can best help their clients. For more information, visit ctconstructionlincoln.com.