FNBO Customers, Public Help Raise Nearly $113,000 to Share Joy through United Way
During the month of December 2020, First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO, fnbo.com) raised $112,910 in donations to United Way affiliates across its geographic footprint on behalf of its customers. The initiative encouraged individuals throughout the communities that FNBO serves to Share Joy by donating to their United Way affiliates via an FNBO Share Joy donation microsite. As part of the campaign, FNBO matched 50 cents of every dollar donated, with a total match of $28,468.
FNBO selected United Way as its Share Joy community partner because the nonprofit’s affiliates have been leading much of the work to combat the impact of COVID-19 by providing support to organizations addressing basic needs such as housing stability, food security, and other financial support. The bank’s contributions to Share Joy were made in partnership with its Business Customer segment and the Wealth Management division, as well as its Mortgage Banking division, which contacted its customers for support. The Share Joy microsite allowed contributors to designate their contributions to United Way affiliates in their communities.
First National Bank of Omaha is a subsidiary of First National Bank of Nebraska. Primary banking offices are located in Nebraska, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, and Texas. For more information, visit fnbo.com and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@fnbo).