Groundbreaking Held for New Building at Southeast Community College in Beatrice
A new 52,000-square-foot building will be the next addition to Southeast Community College’s (SCC; Beatrice Campus. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on May 7. SCC President Dr. Paul Illich spoke at the groundbreaking as well as Beatrice Mayor Stan Wirth. Students from health, arts and sciences, business, and criminal justice programs will be able to utilize the various classrooms. Construction will be complete by August of 2020.
The proposed $19-million multidisciplinary building will include classrooms, health and science labs, as well as a multi-functional room that can be used for many purposes. Hausmann Construction is building the facility and it’s designed by BVH Architecture and Gould Evans.
“This will be an awesome upgrade for our campus and for the region,” said Bob Morgan, vice president of program development and campus director. “It will provide a high-tech classroom environment that will enhance our educational and growth opportunities. It will also provide a learning and conference area for local businesses to use for training opportunities.”
Southeast Community College fulfills its mission by offering more than 50 programs of study on campuses in Beatrice, Lincoln, and Milford. For more information, go to Contact SCC by calling (402) 471-3333 (Lincoln) / (402) 228-3468 (Beatrice).