LHRMA Announces and Promotes Membership Renewal for 2022
Lincoln Human Resources Management Association (LHRMA; www.lincolnhr.org) is promoting their membership renewal for 2022 memberships. One of the changes in the new membership is that not only will you get access to annual benefits such as professional networking, discounted SHRM certification study groups, legislative updates, scholarships programs, community advertising, HR open jobs, discounts to salary survey, and diversity programs, but it will also cover admission to live or virtual attendance to LHRMA’s monthly education programs. In previous years the $75 membership did not cover the monthly education programs, costing $10 each. This is a huge benefit to members who are saving money and time by only having to pay once and receiving access to everything all year long for just $125!
The mission of the Lincoln Human Resources Management Association is to provide for the interchange of ideas, experiences, and methods concerning the relationships between management and employees, and to provide professional ethics and acquaintanceship among those involved in professional human resource management. For more information regarding becoming a member, visit www.lincolnhr.org or contact Membership Chair Justin Schreier at membership@lincolnhr.org.