The Lincoln Airport ( recently received the 2014 Project of the Year award from the Nebraska Department of Aeronautics for the rehabilitation of its main runway. The project involved repairing concrete in the center portion of the runway and resurfacing asphalt strips on each side of the concrete. The runway is 13,000 feet long (nearly 2.5 miles), and 200 feet wide. It was originally built when the facility was used as an Air Force base.
A centrally located runway of this length allows large military aircraft to take off and fly non-stop to destinations in the eastern and western hemispheres. It also makes Lincoln an important option for emergency landings of commercial jets. The length of the runway provides an extra measure of safety for pilots who need to land unexpectedly in the central U.S.
During the planning process, Lincoln Airport Authority consulted with the Lincoln Wastewater System and Lincoln Electric System to coordinate work on underground infrastructure projects that impacted the main runway property. Construction on the main runway began last July and was completed on time in early November. FAA funding covered 90 percent of the $6 million cost with the Lincoln Airport Authority paying the remaining 10 percent.