Living In The Yellow to Present at Ladies Be Brave, Grow Strong Conference
Lincoln Berean Church (6400 S. 70th St.) is hosting a Ladies Be Brave, Grow Strong Conference the nights of Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13. Keynote speakers will be Leslie Vernick and Sherri Keffer. Christian artist Nichole Nordeman will be in concert Saturday morning.
Patty Nun with Living in the Yellow will hold a workshop at the conference entitled: Living in the Yellow – Situational Awareness Training. Patty’s workshop will educate her audience on (1) Cooper’s Color Codes for Self-Defense Awareness; (2) why your mindset, posture, and attitude are your first line of self-defense; and (3) how Living in the Yellow can protect you from the majority of dangers you might encounter.
For more information or to register for the conference, go to
For more information about how to register for Living in the Yellow’s Situational Awareness Lunch and Learn presentations or Basic Pistol and Concealed Handgun Permit Classes, go to or call Patty Nun at (402) 432-6470.