Living in the Yellow Announces March 24th Basic Pistol Class for Women

Patty Nun, an NRA Trained Pistol Instructor, has announced the next Basic Pistol Course for Women being offered Saturday, March 24, 2018. This full-day class is for women who have little or no previous experience handling a pistol. Registration is limited to 12 participants.

“More than ever, women are concerned for their safety. We all know there is no substitute for being prepared and aware of our surroundings to insure the safety of ourselves and our family members. That is the common theme of the training we do at Living in the Yellow,” says Nun. “We take our name from the Cooper Code for Self Defense Awareness, that identifies yellow as the color representing those people who are relaxed but alert and aware of their surroundings, and aware of any possible threats. They know where the exits are.”

Patty clarifies, “This is a course for someone who has never held or fired a pistol and does not currently know the difference between a single-action or double-action revolver, or even between a revolver and a semi-automatic pistol. We provide a relaxed setting where women can learn in a safe environment with a trained, professional team that always have safety as the priority.” She adds, “This does not qualify as a conceal carry course for women, but we plan to offer that in the very near future.”

To find out more information or to register, go to or call Patty Nun at (402) 432-6470.