Luxury Landscape ( turned five in October! Over the last five years, there have been a lot of changes, challenges and growth. Luxury started with a shop being a storage unit, while Ken and Jackie ran the office out of their house and garage. As they have grown, they have faced other challenges including keeping with demand and the hiring process.

“Last year was a major restructuring of the business,” Owner Jackie Svoboda said. “We desperately needed to make changes as we were busting at the seams in our shop, falling behind on projects due to lack of crew members and the home office was no longer feasible based on our growth.”
In the last five years, Luxury has acquired a large shop, a brand new office, hired many amazing crew members with several years of experience and a full-time Office Manager, plus added additional trucks to their fleet.

Having a new office space has added so many benefits! Allan, their Office Manager, has improved Luxury’s communication with customers and employees and has improved several areas of productivity. The addition of Kyle, their Foreman, who has several years of landscaping experience, has improved the scope of projects they are able to bid and complete, and his management skills are stellar!

For more information about Luxury Landscape and the services they provide, visit their website at