Maly Marketing Honored with Nebraska’s Friend of Tourism Award for 2020

Nebraska Tourism industry members were honored during the virtual 2020 Nebraska Tourism Industry Awards celebration on October 22, and Lincoln-based Maly Marketing ( was honored with the Friend of Tourism Award. Maly Marketing is a trusted partner of many tourism entities across the state and when the devastating impacts of COVID-19 started to show, they stepped up. They created a weekly support session called “Overcoming the Coronavirus Together” to help individuals, organizations, and small businesses who were struggling navigate hard times. Maly Marketing also recently started a video series called “What’s Up Nebraska,” that highlights communities across the state, focusing on safe, socially distanced activities for tourists. On top of that, Maly is currently selling their Nebraska swag to raise money for the Food Bank of Lincoln’s Backpack Program. Their shirts are especially popular, and with tons of requests for orders, they figured they’d use the proceeds to do some good.

“Thank you to all of the tourism entities across The Good Life that have opened their arms and minds to a group of misfits based out of Lincoln,” said Steve Maly, owner of Maly Marketing. “In 2021, we plan to step up our game even more to become the only two-time winner of this award.”

Maly Marketing is a full-service marketing agency. Creative problem solving is their specialty. Since most of their clients aren’t dealing with massive budgets, they’ve found that it helps to look for solutions that are straightforward and inexpensive to implement. To learn more about their “Best work. No bullshit.” motto and check out some of their previous work, including what they’ve done for Nebraska Tourism, visit