Calling all industry professionals! Are you a local business or organization that is preparing to roll out its summer youth programming for 2015? Registration for these events is coming right up, and each year Strictly Business includes a feature story in our May issue that offers the opportunity to reach our readers who are actively looking for ideas!
It is essential for kids of all ages to remain active, involved in the community and exposed to continuous learning experiences and new things over the summer months. There are so many great opportunities in Omaha and the surrounding areas that cover all of these bases, and we want our readers to know about them! The story will focus on a variety of topics related to Summer Activities for Kids, including recommendations from experienced professionals in our community on a multitude of different activities and events that are perfect for specific age groups to participate in.
Are you looking to increase your business and profits this summer? Do you want to get the word out about your products, services and expertise? Contact Katie Danehey at Strictly Business at (402) 466-3330 or via email at to find out more about how you can get involved!