Panology Tech Solutions Announces New Partnership, Website Upgrade

As usual, there are big things going on at Panology Tech Solutions (!

First, the company is excited to announce a new partnership with Computer Hardware. Panology Tech Solutions and Computer Hardware plan to continue providing the same great services as before, but we will now be working together to utilize each other’s expertise. Panology Tech Solutions specializes in Windows and Linux hardware and networking, as well as cloud infrastructure. Computer Hardware is the only authorized Apple dealer and Premium Service Provider in Nebraska with four retail locations. You can find out more about Computer Hardware and their services at

Second, the team at Panology Tech Solutions also recently completed a major upgrade to the company’s website: The website now runs entirely within Amazon Web Services’ Serverless Platform ( By leveraging the best practices in serverless design, Panology has greatly reduced operational overhead and costs, while gaining nearly infinite scalability.

Panology Tech Solutions provides the assistance you need to improve how your business utilizes and incorporates technology. The locally owned and operated technology solutions firm provides comprehensive offerings that are customized to fit the client’s needs and budget, with emphasis on customer satisfaction and quality of service. For more information about Panology Tech Solutions, visit